Monday, October 3, 2011

Visit From Up North

We had a slow weekend.  It felt like Mulled Apple Cider.  Warm.  Cozy.  Sweet.
Ken's parents drove down from Idaho Falls and spent all their time with us.  Even when Kole was sleeping they stayed and visited with us. 
It was really special.
Special because as a parent, your kids get lots of attention.  Which is fantastic and as it should be.  But as a 27 year old... I still feel like a kid from time to time.  I liked some of that lime light being on me this weekend.  It was memorable.
We didn't go anywhere.  There was never something we had to do.  We talked.  Played Phase 10.  Watched Koley.  I made my special Fall Treat Mix.  (Candy Corn and Honey Roasted Peanuts.)
I'm still living easy off of it.

Kole loved seeing them again.  He was especially attached to Grandpa.  They read the Atlas.


Juli said...


I love lazy weekends.

Sadly, we don't have any coming up any time soon.

DoublClik said...

I love that one of Koley lookin up at Bob, they must have been in heaven

Brett and Tiffany said...

Grandparents are the best!

Jeannie said...

I remember lazy weekends when I was 27. I wonder what happened to them? hmmmm